Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So much is changing around here - mainly where Grant is concerned and it's giving me a bit of a heartache. We had an incredibly close call with Grant's safety and wellbeing while a babysitter was here last week and it's left Jon and I looking closely at how we approach childcare. In my mind I have always been a stay at home mom, but as I step back, I realize that I'm a mom with a small business that has been propelled into the working mom category. I think I minimize just how much time Grant spends with babysitters and really, I think we could be doing better by him. His sitters are great and they have a place in his life but I think it's time he has some fun with other kids while I'm gone for meetings and events.

So tomorrow, scary as it seems, I am touring a preschool with the intention of putting him in 'class' (read:daycare) two-three days a week. I know it will be better for him socially and I know I can't fill the role of a stay at home mom and keep up with business. I can't complain at all about the pace of my job, we just booked our 17th wedding for the year and I'm thrilled, it's just not part time anymore. I'm a bit leery to see how this whole thing will work. Does he get all 3 of his lovie sleep friends, sleep blanket and paci packed with him, I think not, so naps are what? A disaster? It's things like this that keep me up at night people, not wold peace, but pacis.

Anyways - more on that I'm sure - the one thing that's NOT changing is the steady, sometimes hostile, takeover of my house by toys.

That's not to mention the playroom

But he's happy.

And thus, the next time I walk by the Target dollar bins, he'll have another wooden train piece. And if a clearance toy at Toys R Us looks at all entertaining it will come home. And the hoard will grow. I used to buy fun jewelry - now I'd much rather buy toys. Changes.


  1. Spring just makes me smile :) I caught a sniff of fresh cut grass the other day and I just felt great!!

  2. Such an organized and colorful play place!

  3. gfc folloiwing from the hop stop on by


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