Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring has sprung

I love March, if the weather could be like this year-round I would be a happy camper. This weekend we transformed the backyard into a playplace for Grant and we continued work on the screened in porch that I am dying to complete. I can't wait to work on the porch while G plays in the yard.

Follow up from last week, G is enrolled for summer and fall at Goddard and I feel good about it. I know it will be a crazy hard transition but he will love it and the routine will be good for both of us. This whole thing has made me realize that G is pretty much a two-year-old. When did that happen? I can't believe his 'baby' days are over and from now on, school will be a part of his life ... nostalgic sigh.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Grant has a new favorite word, 'waffle', yeah ... pretty soon it will be not only all he eats but all he says as well. His version of 'love you' and 'waffle' sound strikingly similar and I often don't know if he's being sweet or just hungry.

Enjoy some springtime pics!

The sand/water table had a few days sans sand and G felt that made it a good candidate for a swimming pool.

We did eventually get sand for it

Grant's new playset - we were lucky to find a friend who was selling it in almost new condition after her boys moved onto a bigger set.

Grant has a tumultuous relationship with his final new toy - the bubble cyclone. Terror and joy all at once!

Here's to flip-flops, fresh flowers, and cookouts! Happy spring :)


  1. i love those. such cute photos :D he looks like he had a nice day.

  2. Those are some great pictures. And why would he STAND next to the sand/water table when he could sit IN it? Love it!

  3. Cutest kid and dogs ever!!!! Love these photos!! Stopping by for the SITS party!! COngrats on being called!!

    Man Wife and Dog Blog

  4. Happy Spring!! your little guy is soo cute!

  5. adorable pictures! your little boy is so precious-as far as March weather all year long...come to Utah you may not feel that way!

  6. Those are great pictures. I was thinking of buying a play thing for my kids but we don't go outside much so I thought it would be a waste but I think the fresh air might be good for them and for me as soon as I fence the backyard in.

  7. I am loving Spring too! I am also a mom to an almost 2 year old (she turns 2 April 27 - *sob*) She would love that playset! Your son is an absolute doll! Love the pictures!

    Stopping by from SITS comment hour!

  8. Yay flipflops! How many dogs do you have??

    New follower. Would appreciate a follow back: IDoTheeWedSara.com

  9. My son just started going to a mom's day out school once a week for half a day & loves it. I consider myself a semi-stay-at-home-mom because I'm a teacher & when I'm not with my kids my mom is the one who watches them. As my son gets older I wanted him to start school though. Next year he'll do a pre-k3 class two days a week & I think he'll love it just as much as well. Your son will do great I'm sure & learn so much while there! Stopping by from the @SITS #Commenthour!

  10. So cute. Boys and dogs and sand or water. No better combo. Here from #commenthour

  11. So cute! Love the play stuff you have too, I wish I had that stuff when I was little!

  12. stopping by from SITs Comment hour - he's adorable, looks like a very active 2 yr old. Nice pics.

  13. I love Spring too! I just wish it would hurry up and start in the NYC area! Love your pics and blog! Sharing SITS comment love!

  14. wow looks like great fun for all of you

    dropping by from sits


  15. Awe... It looks like everyone had a GREAT time! Used clothes and toys at that age are the best!

    Stopping by from SITS Comment Hour!
    Toqua of Toqua's Crafts

  16. Fun water/sand table... my kids are older, but still want one! They do grow up quickly.

  17. I have always wanted a screened in porch, with comfy wicker furniture and plants and flowers everywhere...with a ceiling fan...and a pitcher of cocktails...and a really good book. Oops, I'm sorry. I got carried away, but I would really, really love to have one. I envy you.

    Stopping by from SITS comment hour a little late, or a little early...


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