Grant turned two on the 13th and the weekend before we had a train themed party with friends and family to celebrate.
As an event planner, you would think I would have had every detail squared away weeks before this party. You would be wrong. My wedding planner self had just completed 4 weekends in a row of large weddings and had not a second to devote to G's bash. The saving grace here is that I have a fantastic friend who also happens to be Grant's Godmother who I can call when I need crafty and I need it fast. I just provided her with beer and pizza and she pulled it off.
Elizabeth and Amanda tell me I really shouldn't try to craft, I should just come up with the ideas and then let other people execute them. Amanda luckily came over to assist Elizabeth or I'm not sure how late the party prep would have gone.
they ^ are amazing
Grant was not actually a huge fan of his party but once some paci time was had and some pineapple eaten, all was well.
Prepare yourself, this is pic heavy
So now he's two and the emails from babycenter say 'your preschooler' instead of 'your toddler' ... sigh.